
Awww, look at the cute little bunny! He's so cute, with his widdle ears! You want a carrot, little guy? Want a widdle carrot? A widdle carrotsy waretsy for the widdle bunny? There you go...

Now shut the hell up! I cant stand you! We cant all be cute you know. Look at me, I'm a freaking vacuum for God's sake. Go to hell you cute widdle turd.


There's a lot of shit I dont get and this is some right here. What the? Why are ya gonna feed that garbage to Fido? If I was him I'd be chomping off a nice piece of your stupid bitch ass right 'bout now. Do what you may but dont mess with animals dickwad.


That's right google-eyes, spit out the branch. Good birdie.
Now fuck off.


Well aren't you Captain Fancy Pants with your pretty ribbons and your Snuffleupagus haircut. You think you're better than me, don't ya? You son of a bitch - I kill you! Make you all into neat little alpacka sandwiches. I eat pretty boys like you for breakfast. You creepy thing.


Nice picture. The only thing nicer would be to have your drawing arm amputated you moron. Yar, I've seen better drawings by monkeys in a freaking zoo. Oh, ya wanna go? Wanna dance with me mo-fo? Yeah, that's right, keep walking. I kill you soon as look at you. Don't even go there.


I'm evil but check this guy out:

I like his style!


fcuking idoits cnat sepll siht