
Oh look at us, we are sooo clever. You see, the flowers are covering our eyes and it's as if, as if the flowers are our eyes. Get it? The flowers are our eyes! Ha ha! Look upon our mighty cleverness and weep, weep that you will never be one such as us. You are pitiful and weak, we are strong and omnipotent gods!

hahahaha now THAT IS FUNNY! And clever! See here flower fuckers, this is the shit right here.


Aieee! Simply smashing, just lovely! The composition's fluid lines foretell the artists state of mind at the time of rendition. The simple wooden frame really brings out the oily darkness---awe fuck shit man, this blows. I'll give you 50 cents for the frame, but get this aggravated assault waiting to happen perpetrated by me out of my sight.

No shit.

I like this drawing - reminds me a little of myself. Yeah, just like me, if I was an absolute looooooooooser. You know, actually, it sort of looks like he could be Samara's boyfriend.

Yo helmet head! Go visit Samara - just scroll down... whoops! She's still on the can. Sorry 'bout that! Yar!!!

Dude! Like, where'd you go man?! I went to grab the popcorn, came back and you were gone. And what the? One of your horn thingies is bent... you bastard!!!!

What the fuck is this, then? Actually Samara's looking pretty sweet compared to old saucer eyes here. Well the dress is sort of cute but the face makes you want to scrape out your eyes with a garden rake. Who draws this stuff?! Sick depraved bastards that's who. And I love it!